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generalizability coefficient中文是什么意思

用"generalizability coefficient"造句"generalizability coefficient"怎么读"generalizability coefficient" in a sentence


  • 概化系数{註:同 coefficient of generalizability}


  • There were three reasons : ( a ) the cronbach's alpha coefficient for raters on the 5 criteria ranged from 0.83 to 0.91, which indicated that all the raters shared approximately the consistent rating procedure; ( b ) in the multivariate generalizability theory ( mgt ), the paradigm got the composite generalizability coefficient of 0.784, which showed the whole measure of wisdom, relative to each of the 5 criteria, was reliable; ( c ) the pearson's correlation coefficients between the 5 wisdom-related criteria and the 3 positive indicators of psychological well-being ( pwb ) were mostly significant, which indicated that the conception of wisdom did test the knowledge and skills about the real life just like the pwb
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